Thursday, February 24, 2011

Days 18 - 19: End of an era...

We arrive at the border between Botswana and Zambia with our fingers firmly crossed - the ferries here are known to be unreliable. Sure enough, the new ferry is out of order and the other one has just driven into a bush, so we have a small wait before we can cross the river and set foot in Zambia. This border is a meeting point to two rivers (Chobe and Zambesi) and four countries (Botswana, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Namibia) which provides a good geography lesson as people try to orientate themselves.

First stop in Livingstone is a trip to see Victoria Falls, one of the 7 natural wonders of the world. The water is 30cm higher than this time last year, and the spray is visible from the road as we approach. Everyone carefully wraps their camera in plastic bags which proves a necessary precaution as all end up soaked. In high water (May-June) the water over the edge reaches an incredible 9000m3/s and though we haven't reached that figure yet, it still seems like we are in the middle of a rainstorm.

Livingstone is the second adrenaline centre of our tour, which perhaps explains why the group duly heads out for high tea at the Royal Livingstone hotel, a quick round of golf and a meal out. Some rectify this sedateness by throwing themselves off a 111m bridge attached to a thin rope later.

Livingstone marks the end of the road for some, and others are swapping trucks and heading to Jo'burg. So its goodbye to Mark, Mole, Jason, Dan, Haggis, Cho, Mun, Eunjin, George, Helen, Hamish and Tanith - we'll miss you!

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