Thursday, March 3, 2011

Days 29-30: Beach-ward bound

Senga Bay is our first beach stop since Swakopmund, and all the more impressive since Malawi is landlocked. Lake Malawi takes up 20% of the landmass of the country though, and for that reason we spend our nights on lakeside campsites as we travel up the country.

Senga Bay has a resident monkey and baboon population so we have to continue to be viligant in securing the truck against them. The pax also have an epic (as in ever lasting) darts competition, in which light is purely optional, a water aerobics session and, due to there being no upgrades here, spend the night in tents with the rain hammering down, and the most spectacular (and noisy) storm preventing any sort of sleep!

Accordingly the next morning, everyone is up super early and we make a quick get-away to Kande Beach.

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